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Airport City Trading Centre

No! Sorry about the goggles. Accidental finger tap but you'll need them eventually. Don't know what happened but my gifting was messed up today too. I didn't have a name or avatar for you and I almost always have your avatar. I was missing a bunch of others too. Let me try again tomorrow. I'll keep it weird.

Not to worry about the goggles. Did you not get them back from me?
Jbg364 said:
Not to worry about the goggles. Did you not get them back from me?

No, I didn't get them. I usually do get stuff from you though on most days. At least when I can see avatars I know I do. We'll test some more to see what's going on with your game.
Lesquadroni said:
I just got a facebook account just for this game. Can anybody please check if the picture shows up at the game?

You're one of my neighbours and your pic hasn't updated yet. What are you in need of at the moment?
jal pilot said:
Hi I guess, I,
'Ive accepted the invite, not easy if the nickname isn't the same in the forum and in the game. will send hull parts when they are back in my list ...

jal pilot ; need hull parts; ampermeter; stamp

Thanks for the hull parts, will send again today. I still need 3 hull parts and laser cutters
Frenetta said:
Put the code in where you would add a friend. It will give you free $. Put it in exactly as I showed it.

Thanks for the code yesterday, came I'm handy!
Frenetta said:
For some reason, you still aren't showing up anywhere. I'll look again later.

I've figured it out, my username and my game name wer different! Doh!
I've asked admin to change my username to match the game one. So try again
Username: Mai Zack
Fred123thytdytdg said:
Can confirm your gifts are arriving yet

lvl 35 Need fuel hose for long haul flights thanks i gift daily.

Thanks for adding me, just sent you a fuel hose
MissyM said:
Thanks for adding me, just sent you a fuel hose

Cheers I have you down for laser cutters in my next few gift runs

lvl 35 Need fuel hose for long haul flights thanks i gift daily.
Fred123thytdytdg said:
Cheers I have you down for laser cutters in my next few gift runs

lvl 35 Need fuel hose for long haul flights thanks i gift daily.

Correction to my needs beacons only please

lvl 35 Need fuel hose for long haul flights thanks i gift daily.
Zanydu said:
Just received my last sandbag, so the airship dock is complete :) (Except for the pulleys which I believe are ungiftable) so thanks everybody! I'll stick around the forums and keep sending some good stuff. Sig is updated.

@Jbg currently at level 5 and i think it was 5 or 6 visits, will check tomorrow.

Sent you an archive box... Can see your pic!
AdNazzyP said:
I found when I was at 6 hearts I could visit more than when I went up to 7, I know for sure that when I went up a level I could only visit like 4 times that night. I think it has gone back up again now, but I will count when my day resets, which should be soon!

Level 33. No more Xmas please, need Glass display case x3, POS terminal x3, Flight catering, Duty Free objects, Passengers, Fuel.

I sent a ticket in about the fewer visits at level 7... Waiting for an answer
MissyM said:
I've figured it out, my username and my game name wer different! Doh!
I've asked admin to change my username to match the game one. So try again
Username: Mai Zack

Just added Mai Zack
Lesquadroni said:
I just got a facebook account just for this game. Can anybody please check if the picture shows up at the game?

I see your name but no pic. Did you link to your facebook acct in the game? Also you might need to post an achievement .. Not sure about that.
jal pilot said:
Hi again

tried to add Lilly2 but that doesn't work?

jal pilot ; level 22; need ampermeter; stamp

I think I added you already. Do you see my pic in the game? Or maybe still in your waiting tab.

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