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Are you buying the iPad 2?

Are you buying an iPad 2?

  • Yes, Definitely!

    Votes: 389 75.1%
  • No

    Votes: 73 14.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 56 10.8%

  • Total voters
yes i will once i can find one locally or order it online from apple. I am glad i waiting, about 2 months ago i was going to buy and ipad 1 but changed my mind.

It was a blessing in disguise because i would have been very disappointing if i would have bought one just for a new one to come out soon after i bought it.
I have a first gen iPad (32gb WIFI) and love it. My problem is so does my wife and nearly 3 year old son (he loves to draw and look at pictures on it). I am getting another one so I can actually use an iPad again! :). I haven't touched mine in over 2 weeks since my mother-in-law is visiting as she and my wife play Scrabble constantly.

The iPad is an amazing family tool and I can't imagine life without it. This is coming from a former UNIX systems admin (now in sales) who has been burnt out by technology. I prefer fiddling and tinkering with mechanical things in my free time but when I want to browse the web the iPad is perfect for me.
I'm happy with my first generation iPad. While the new iPad has some great improvements, I can't really justify spending money on the newer one. We'll see what iPad 3 brings to the table :).
just why they cant add a real usb port is unbeleivable is it really just to screw us over for the extra £25 for the adaptor ?
usb sticks are the easy way to swop file between systems so why make it dificult?
They don't. They never have. They may not ever. It's just the apple way. The only connector they have is the 30 pin

Clean. Simple.

Yeah, it may cost you a bit more, but thems the breaks for this kind of design.
I know, the App Store game content is exploding these days, but I’m a hardcore gamer, I like game consoles, I like to play on PC, and I’m just having a hard time to be entertained with iPad games. The controls aren’t that great – although they are getting better and more creative. In the end, it’s just not my type of games.
I love the noise about iPad 2 but I may not be able to buy it except someone buys my iPad original. The iPad original is just 2 months old and came as an upgrade to 32GB which I bought in December 2010. That too was an upgrade to 16GB/WIFI only bought in November. You see what I mean. I have a lot of apps on my 64GB 3G ipad that it is safe to keep using it until the economy improves and until Steve Jobs announces the almighty ipad 3.
Yes, definitely! Ordered online as soon as Apple.ca's website allowed on March 25th which was the date of launch here.
I probably will but not too sure. The cameras will be useless for me and the only benefit will be the thinner case. Faster processor won't matter as I don't play games. But the thing is I can still get roughly 50-60% of the price for my existing iPad and upgrade for not a lot of money, so you never know....
New here. My iPad2 is on order. Can't wait. I use the iPhone so hopefully the iPad will not be too much of a learning curve.
Now that I am capable of getting all the stuff from my PC, realtime, I am not in a hurry to buy a new iPad. By the way, do you change a 3 month old PC just because a newer version is in the market? I think my 3G/WIFI 64GB bought at £700 needs to work and serve its time. The Sony I bought over 2 years ago is still working fine. So why should I buy a new iPad? I have even tried LogMeIn to use the Camera on my laptop from the iPad. iPad 2 has a front and back camera. So what? It is slimmer. So What? I have a choice - waiting for iPad 3. To my friends who have got iPad 2, congratulations. It is worth the price. But if you already have the classic, then sell it off.
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No joke, finally getting an iPad after waiting for the second gen hardware. Should arrive some time around Tax day :D... and :( (for the taxes)

iPad 2 looks so good and will be laser engraved.

Correction it's hanging out at the docks in China waiting for a boat. :ipad-keyboard:
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