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Are you buying the iPad 2?

Are you buying an iPad 2?

  • Yes, Definitely!

    Votes: 389 75.1%
  • No

    Votes: 73 14.1%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 56 10.8%

  • Total voters
I will definately be getting one, carnt wait. I live in the uk, so have to wait untill 2 weeks time, but i am sure it will be worth the wait.
Anyone that lives in the US, who is getting theres today, can you let me know what its like, i would appreciate it.
Ordered my iPad 2 w/ wifi 64 at 4:01 AM this morning. Just not sure when I will get it. I actually thought that they might have staged them for delivery to homes tomorrow but I have not heard that. The order says 18 to 25th

Have 32gb ipad1 which is fast enough on the gaming front etc for me, if i take pics then i use a camera, facetime, need friends with iphone 4 or macs most don't have either, now if it would skype that would be a different matter so won't be getting one straight away will probably leave it for 6 months before having another look.
I bought my iPad1 in December. I new another version was in the works. But from the track record of "New Device Models" from Apple I figured there would be little change anyway. I was right. I went and looked at the new iPad2 today and was not impressed. That is, to the tune of buying another all over again. Yes it's a little thinner and has a camera but other than that I could see little change in the speed of operation with the new procesor. I'll keep my old one untill something major comes out.
I would like to but I'm being swayed by the Samsung Galaxy and Moto Xoom. I'll wait until June/July to make a purchase. I already own the iPad1 16gb (wifi only).
Yes I am!

Hi everyone, im new to forum, got my new iPad 2 other day, whats everyones thoughts on covers and cases? I found a great site with loads of useful content on this first site. I went for teh orange smart cover, love it, arriving soon, so excited!
love to hear your thoughts
YES Definitely!

I sold my IPad1 in time, then tried an Android tablet which was the biggest dissapointment in my last 5 years. No offense here, Android is a nice OS, maybe not that comfortable like iOS, but still nice. BUT the top games on the Android market are a 4th classed game in the Appstore which makes you feel like the last ass on the planet with a hand full of good games, which is nothing compared to the hundreds of great games in the appstore.

Now ill sold my tablet soul to apple 100% :P

They might not programm all you could need, but the things they do are the best out there.
I have a 64gb wifi on reserve at Best Buy for whenever they come back in. I'll be playing a new iPad 2 by summer time for sure :D
i HAD planned to buy

but once i saw the absolute crap that is the video camera. I not only left the store without one, but had to wash my hands.

Uh, really? The 500000 posts that confirm that it is a video camera and barely passable camera didn't give you a heads up that it wasn't top shelf quality?

They didn't fabricate anything in their portrayal of the camera. It's not a great camera.

But the rest of the unit makes up for it, and the hd video recording is decent for what it is worth.
Sooo undecided right now. The impulse buyer in me is saying get it, but the sensible adult side is saying WTF.
I don't need or want cameras cos my ip4 does that, I can't tell the difference between .3 of a pound or gram or whatever it is and I am so loving my 1st gen cos I realised just today that I've only had it for exactly 4 months.

BUT, I know impulse Gav will try and delete sensible Gav...which wouldn't really worry me that much...

Aaaaagh!!! LOL.

Hence me being UNdecided in the poll.

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