Omg my download stopped now starting from the beginning ... Dammm iTunes... Is there a direct download link anyone knows of?
Sent from my iPad using my fingers
I remember the last time Jailbreakme came out, it got slammed and I was unable to even use it for a couple hours after it was released! LolAftershock said:Heck apple servers about to get slammed with lot of people downloading 4.3.3 firmware lol
m0nk said:Take a look TWO posts up, buddy - just two posts. . .
Oops said:Omg my download stopped now starting from the beginning ... Dammm iTunes... Is there a direct download link anyone knows of?
Sent from my iPad using my fingers
m0nk said:Take a look TWO posts up, buddy - just two posts. . .
IPSW downloaded is for Mac onlyaccording to that site.
Sent from my iPad using my fingers
What are current users with a jailbroken device doing? I am staying on 4.3 until it is confirmed that everything is ok.
Iraptor, I see your point and agree that it is still a great device. But to have a Ferrari and be forced to drive it at 50 kmh max is not a great feeling.