iPF Noob
Right AwesomeNoob, your banned from mentioning your awesomely groovy hacked ipad2 from here on in!! LOL

To the people who tried the leaked jailbreak and safari keeps crashing, an easy fix for it is to go to settings and clear history for safari. (fix for safari not to keep crashing that is....)
Been a non issue with me, maybe because i restarted the ipad a few times after jaibreaking it..
Can someone explain to me about this kernel driver think and how this will affect me when I jailbreak..or is this something that is not needed?
It is an important component of the jailbreak. If it is buggy then the iPad will be buggy. The kernel is the heart of the OS. If you don't ineract with it properly then things will be buggy. Perhaps this is the reason some of those already on 4.3 JB are seeing wifi issues...?...?...?
i hear it has problems with the passwords connecting to wifi hotspots.. i dunno cos i only use mine at home..
funny how ppl where saying they wouldnt download the so-called buggy beta & wait for the 'official' version.. which contains a kernel driver issue? wonder what thier stance is now??

Sent from my JAILBROKEN ipad2 64gb wifi only (3.40)

sry couldnt resist it!