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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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The Kleaner said:
Wolfie you don't really care...your already jailbroken! Lucky daw...err...wolf. :D

Ok then. But it will probably come tomorrow so comex can have the whole day to help people.
I have so many nicknames.
K, so I TRIED updating, but now I have a 2002 (?) error, which, as best I can tell, has wiped out my Ipad. And all my stuff is on my computer at my apartment, which is a good 25 minute drive from here...:(
[15 minutes of fame mode]
Well.... Better hurry then because I've heard it's coming in 10 minutes.
I'm just to lazy to fake some emails or so, but still better hurry !!
[/15 minutes of fame mode]
Ive got secret sources saying it won't come up at 10:39 est as he suggested.

Sigh, I leave for 4-5 hours and its still not here. Hmmph.
Well I upgraded from 4.3 to 4.3.3. No more option of using leaked JB, I'm at comex's mercy. Please be merciful soon----
I feel like I have been led across the Red Sea, and now "Moses" is having us wander for 40 years....

- "non est ponenda sine necessitate" (William of Occam)
He never said update FAST, just to update... as won't (initially) support pre 4.3.3.

And 'in a hurry' doesn't stipulate any time frame either I wouldn't have thought.
I just don't see why he needed to put up a 3rd teaser. Based on taking the post it note from apples updating page which is short team it seemed to imply it was imminent. When you put up another teaser just a week ago why a third if you arnt actually quite done yet.
People are making a conspiracy out of those teasers that reminds me a Dan Brown's book...

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