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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Poser said:

Not too surprising, but can now confirm that the iPad2 and iPhone4S bootrom are the same version iBoot-838.3twitpic.com/70bno4

bile (@nitoTV)
15-10-11 00:15
@MuscleNerd now if only we could get the damn thing dumped!!!!

MuscleNerd (@MuscleNerd)
15-10-11 00:32
@nitoTV about that .... :)

What would he mean by "about that .... :)"?

veeence (@veeence)
15-10-11 11:32
I think @MuscleNerd may have found a way to dump the bootrom of the A5 chip, which is actually big news.

Paul Pols (@paulpols)
15-10-11 11:33
@veeence that's how I read the "about that … :)" as well

That would be great....
RudyL90 said:
veeence (@veeence)
15-10-11 11:32
I think @MuscleNerd may have found a way to dump the bootrom of the A5 chip, which is actually big news.
This would be huge, waiting on my 4S to arrive, so would love for the A5 to be dumped by the time it comes
I've tried just about everything I can think of.

TinyUmbrella doesn't recognize that my iPad is connected, but iTunes does. Java is updated, I'm running the most recent release of both iTunes and TinyUmbrella. I manually got my ECID and downloaded the SHSH blobs from Cydia and Apple, but if I ever wanted to restore them I couldn't...because it doesn't recognize my iPad. :P Any help before I give iOS5 a shot? I don't want to "upgrade" if I can't "downgrade" back to jailbreak.

Figured it would be useful to say I'm on Win7 64-bit.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but p0sixninja announced a month ago that he have found 5 exploits (which are supposed to be working on any device) in iOS5 beta.
Any news about this? If it's true about what he have announced, how long (just make a guess) it will take to develop and test a JB?
If a bootrom exploit is even suspected, they will not use the userland exploits if they can avoid it. For most of us it's about having a jailbreak now. For the dev team, it's about still having one 2 years from now.

As for me personally, just hand over the jailbreak now! :)
I'm a newbie to this forum (just signed up today) and I've gone through some of the JB threads and stickies in the forum. I understand that if I don't have SHSH saved for 4.3.3, there is NO way to JB iPad2. And I have an iPad2 with the very original FW version 4.3. And I know the latest IOS is IOS5.

Here's my question tho. Should I go ahead upgrade my ipad2 to IOS5 and wait for IOS5 JB or stay with 4.3 and see? I was actually waiting for JB for 4.x.x version but somehow missed 4.3.3 when Apple was still signing. If I don't upgrade to IOS5, my worry is that I may well miss IOS5 JB again.

Please advise! thanks
hazeline said:
I'm a newbie to this forum (just signed up today) and I've gone through some of the JB threads and stickies in the forum. I understand that if I don't have SHSH saved for 4.3.3, there is NO way to JB iPad2. And I have an iPad2 with the very original FW version 4.3. And I know the latest IOS is IOS5.

Here's my question tho. Should I go ahead upgrade my ipad2 to IOS5 and wait for IOS5 JB or stay with 4.3 and see? I was actually waiting for JB for 4.x.x version but somehow missed 4.3.3 when Apple was still signing. If I don't upgrade to IOS5, my worry is that I may well miss IOS5 JB again.

Please advise! thanks
I'd upgrade if i were you cause i dont see the devs making a jb for anything before ios 5
The choice of that to do should always be a personal one you take yourself, but here are some comments from me.

Conventional Jailbreaking wisdom says if you don't have the capability to downgrade then ALWAYS stay on the lowest firmware version available to you as that has the potential for having the most exploits which could be found by jailbreakers.

However, 4.3 is as we know an old OS now, and that conventional wisdom was developed during a period when the devices were less secure and more often exploited. If we are to believe the announcements about the Chronic team and their "5" exploits which are being worked on at the moment, then the best place to move to is actually 5.0 and STAY THERE. Do not accept any security updates which Apple may release in the coming days, weeks, and months.

And of course, CHECK BACK HERE EVERY DAY!. Whenever we get credible news it will be posted along with advice as to what users should do to prepare. We did this for iPad2 users on 4.3 when we clearly told everyone a few days before the Jailbreak was released that they should all move to 4.3.3 immediately. Unfortunately, as you know, not everyone paid attention :(

So, the choice is yours, but if I was stuck without a JB on iPad2 at the moment, I would move to 5.0 and stay there without accepting any further updates until I saw some credible JB news on the matter.

Hope that helps.
Wise words f4780y 

Im sort of in a dilemma (if i can call it that), will be going overseas on saturday for a month and wont have internet access so if it so happens that a jb is released for the ipad 2 for ios 5 similar to that of 4.3.3. I may miss any window to upgrade and jb.

So i am actually considering upgrading now and hopefully by the time i get back a jb is released.
iRager said:
Wise words f4780y 

Im sort of in a dilemma (if i can call it that), will be going overseas on saturday for a month and wont have internet access so if it so happens that a jb is released for the ipad 2 for ios 5 similar to that of 4.3.3. I may miss any window to upgrade and jb.

So i am actually considering upgrading now and hopefully by the time i get back a jb is released.

OK. Honest advice, but YMMV, if you don't have a jailbreak, upgrade to 5.0 now. The jailbreak will be userland based so will most likely be executed on the iPad itself just like jbme.com. We don't have a bootrom exploit for the A5 yet, and so it won't be done using a tool like redsn0w which relies on pwning the boot process. That said, I also think we will be very lucky to see a new JB within a month :(

That's my view. You do what you feel is right for you... :)
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