iPF Noob
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.
I go agree that as tablets go the ipad is pretty cool. I am find more and more uses for it every day
I will sit tight with it and see what comes of Oct 4ths release.
Do you think that users will be able to update their devices to iOS 5 on the same day it is announced or do we have to wait for something else? I have never been this close to a new iOS before so this waiting process is all new to me.
thanks again!
Well I can't decide for you but if I were you I would just wait. I'm pretty confident a jailbreak will be released not long after iOS 5 comes out. I'd pretty much bet they've already jailbroken an iPad2 with the exploits they found. I've been waiting a long time and I'm going to wait a little longer... but what you decide ultimately has to be up to you. iOS 5 is supposed to be amazing in and of itself and I'm going to upgrade immediately since I doubt there will ever be another jailbreak for iOS 4. I can always sell it on Craigslist or eBay if a JB is never released... then again I may like iOS 5 so much I keep it anyway. Only time will tell.