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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

I go agree that as tablets go the ipad is pretty cool. I am find more and more uses for it every day :)

I will sit tight with it and see what comes of Oct 4ths release.

Do you think that users will be able to update their devices to iOS 5 on the same day it is announced or do we have to wait for something else? I have never been this close to a new iOS before so this waiting process is all new to me.

thanks again!

Well I can't decide for you but if I were you I would just wait. I'm pretty confident a jailbreak will be released not long after iOS 5 comes out. I'd pretty much bet they've already jailbroken an iPad2 with the exploits they found. I've been waiting a long time and I'm going to wait a little longer... but what you decide ultimately has to be up to you. iOS 5 is supposed to be amazing in and of itself and I'm going to upgrade immediately since I doubt there will ever be another jailbreak for iOS 4. I can always sell it on Craigslist or eBay if a JB is never released... then again I may like iOS 5 so much I keep it anyway. Only time will tell. :)
So is there going to be any way to upgrade to iOS5 and keep jailbreak on the iPad 2? I've got my iPad 2 on 4.3.3 jailbroken, but was wondering if we could update and keep jailbreak.
So is there going to be any way to upgrade to iOS5 and keep jailbreak on the iPad 2? I've got my iPad 2 on 4.3.3 jailbroken, but was wondering if we could update and keep jailbreak.

keep checking this same thread, the first post in particular....and if this line looks the same, then no.

Can I jailbreak my iPad2?
You can only jailbreak your iPad2 if it currently has iOS Version 4.3.3 installed on it. There is no jailbreak for any other version. Sorry.
Great thread, thanks for the info Leigh!
And great to hear they already have some exploits! How about those, they should be able to jailbreak a GM version of iOS 5, shouldn't they?
What about the iPad 2? Any news?
I have an iPad 1 and just bought an iPad 2 for my girlfriend. Didn't know about this jailbreak problem, though, lol.

So, for what I understood, there is a chance that on iOS 5 they can jailbreak the iPad 2, right? With the impending release, those nice hacker fellows must be eating the iOS apart, I hope! =)
I just got my iPad2, was able to find one that was 4.3.3, and I go to the website in the instructions, and it is a just static page in memory of Steve Jobs.

Kind of ironic on the day I bite the bullet and go Apple. I certainly understand and respect a day of remembrance and refraining from JB in honor of Mr. Jobs. Has anyone heard anything about this?
I just got my iPad2, was able to find one that was 4.3.3, and I go to the website in the instructions, and it is a just static page in memory of Steve Jobs.

Kind of ironic on the day I bite the bullet and go Apple. I certainly understand and respect a day of remembrance and refraining from JB in honor of Mr. Jobs. Has anyone heard anything about this?

you are right. just wait it out.
I just got my iPad2, was able to find one that was 4.3.3, and I go to the website in the instructions, and it is a just static page in memory of Steve Jobs.

Kind of ironic on the day I bite the bullet and go Apple. I certainly understand and respect a day of remembrance and refraining from JB in honor of Mr. Jobs. Has anyone heard anything about this?

It was obviously just done out of respect for the man who gave us our iPads and so much more... it's back up now. :)
The domain jailbreakme.com was sold by the owner, however it has now been acquired by @saurik, and therefore remains in the hands of the jailbreaking community.

It's sad @ConceitedApps sold out JailbreakMe.com for $$. Luckily we havehttp://jailbreaks.me and won't ever sell out, said MuscleNerd.

the new owner of jailbreakme.com is absolutely unknown, untrusted, and unsafe..in perfect place for iPhone malware

everything jailbreakme.com used to host will soon be on jailbreaks.me. Don't trust jailbreakme.com anymore (seriously)

it's the worst kind of sellout by @ConceitedApps. They didn't even give us a chance to migrate actual jailbreakers

ConceitedApps has reportedly responded saying "he is lucky i even let them use it for years after they "kicked" me out. i owe them nothing"

We'll let know as soon as the iPhone Dev-Team and Comex manage to get jailbreaks.me up and running.

Moderation Notice: This posts first line has been edited by a member of staff to reflect the latest situation and avoid confusion to members reading it. The site jailbreakme.com is back in the hands of the jailbreaking community and no longer a threat. Thanks to Poser for the original post which was wholly factual at the time it was written.
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That is pretty unfortunate.

Now I'm going to have to decide if it is worth keeping jailbreak on 4.3.3 or losing it and updating to iOS5 on the iPad 2.
i just bought my ipad2 wifi+3g with 4.3.5 version today.. i've been searching for hours and hours on how to jailbreak my ipad. this is frustrating.. i hope ios5 will come soon. But waiting for another day for the ios5 to be released or waiting for a hero that jailbreak ipad2 wifi+3g with 4.3.5 version is burdening....

but thanks by the way.. for the thread.. now, after hours, i'm really sure that there is no way to jailbreak my ipad but only to wait for ios5...

terima kasih from malaysia:)
Ok, so I'm in a funny spot.

Found an iPad2 4.3.3 on Thursday, jbme site was down in honor of Steve Jobs on Thursday, went back about 930AM Friday and it was back up, and I got jail broken and Cydia installed without a hitch.

Then I read that site was transferred around the time I visited it, but is now back in safe hands.

I noticed that there was no mention of the 4.3.3 exploit patch when I was on the site.

Am I vulnerable here from being on the site Friday AM? Anything I can do about it?
seamus517 said:
Ok, so I'm in a funny spot.

Found an iPad2 4.3.3 on Thursday, jbme site was down in honor of Steve Jobs on Thursday, went back about 930AM Friday and it was back up, and I got jail broken and Cydia installed without a hitch.

Then I read that site was transferred around the time I visited it, but is now back in safe hands.

I noticed that there was no mention of the 4.3.3 exploit patch when I was on the site.

Am I vulnerable here from being on the site Friday AM? Anything I can do about it?

You have nothing to worry about.
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