Welcome to the iPadForums Official iPad2 Jailbreak Thread. This thread provides iPad2 owners with all the information they need to get started jailbreaking their iPad2.
Can I jailbreak my iPad2?
You can only jailbreak your iPad2 if it currently has iOS Version 4.3.3 installed on it. There is no jailbreak for any other version. Sorry.
Can I upgrade or downgrade my new iPad2 to 4.3.3?
No, sorry, you are too late. You can only install version 4.3.3 of iOS on your iPad2 if you have saved SHSH Blobs for 4.3.3. Blobs are unique to your device and must be provided by Apple, and they stopped providing 4.3.3 blobs several months ago. There is no way to copy, forge, or otherwise bypass this security. If your iPad2 is new then you have no 4.3.3 blobs and no way to get them. No blobs means no downgrade / upgrade. Sorry. See our FAQ here for more information on blobs -
I have version 4.3.3. How do I jailbreak?
Congratulations! You are only a few moments away from jailbreaking your device. Open Safari on your iPad2 and visit jailbreakme.com. If you need a bit more support, see our tutorial here -
Help! I don't have version 4.3.3, but I want to jailbreak!
Sorry, but there really is no option for you at the moment. No matter what any other blog or forum tells you, you CANNOT upgrade or downgrade your iPad2 to 4.3.3 without saved SHSH Blobs and you cannot jailbreak any other version of iOS on the iPad2 as things stand today. You will just have to show some patience and wait for iOS5.
It is highly unlikely that there will ever be a jailbreak for 4.3.4 or 4.3.5. These firmwares represent the end-of-line for 4.x and nobody in the jailbreaking community is the least bit interested in finding exploits for those versions. Exploiting iOS is an extremely hard task and takes a huge amount of time and effort. Furthermore, there is currently no exploit known for the iPad2 bootrom. This means all jailbreaks must be userland based, so once a JB is released, Apple will move to quickly block it. For this reason you will not see a jailbreak for a beta version of iOS released for iPad2.
The first public release of iOS5 will be the next focus of attention, but with Comex now out of the scene, you could be in for a very long wait…