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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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Maybe he just meant that since he sorta implied to that guy who tweeted him that he would "hopefully" release the jailbreak tomorrow that it wont happen and instead will happen on Sunday since that is when the usually release these things
People on twitter are really going off on him, basically accusing him of making up the whole thing, that there really isn't a jailbreakme..I dont buy that at all..its legit he just isnt ready to release it yet..I hope the rumor that I Read today about them waiting for IOS 5 to be released isnt true
although I have not been getting enough sleep, I did fix unionfs on iPad 2, and figure out why something else on the iPad 2 wasn't working
1 minute ago via web

Lysin & Bulka that answers your question
comex (comex) on Twitter
comex‎: although I have not been getting enough sleep, I did fix unionfs on iPad 2, and figure out why something else on the iPad 2 wasn't working
Publié il y a 1 minute

Edit: DELETE THAT POST. holymasteric was faster
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He'll have it done soon. If it's worth doing at all, it's worth doing right.

Sent from my pad via my iPad using iPF
It's still only 2am Wednesday morning where comex is so he still has about 22 hours of Wednesday left so it may still be today.
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sutty0000 said:
It's still only 2am Wednesday morning where comex is so he still has about 22 hours of Wednesday left so it may still be today. The teaser on jailbreakme.com has gone so he may be looking to upload something soon :)

I think for me it should be thursday here 14hours left n.n
sutty0000 said:
The teaser on jailbreakme.com has gone so he may be looking to upload something soon :)

[sigh] Seriously? After all the discussion, advice, and warnings about this?
You are making yourself look very very foolish.
sutty0000 said:
The teaser on jailbreakme.com has gone so he may be looking to upload something soon :)

[sigh] Seriously? After all the discussion, advice, and warnings about this?
You are making yourself look very very foolish.

Let's face it though, typing "www.jailbreakme.com" and pressing return takes less then 10 seconds of my time ;). Especially when there are 86,400 seconds in a day I don't mind wasting 0.001% of my time on checking the site :D
sutty0000 said:
Let's face it though, typing "www.jailbreakme.com" and pressing return takes less then 10 seconds of my time ;). Especially when there are 86,400 seconds in a day I don't mind wasting 0.001% of my time on checking the site :D

It takes 1 sec for me to refresh the site even on my ipad :O
Btw talking abou ipad sometimes you see under a comment posted on ipad from ipf or something lie that:P
That do that on there own??
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