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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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sutty0000 said:
Let's face it though, typing "www.jailbreakme.com" and pressing return takes less then 10 seconds of my time ;). Especially when there are 86,400 seconds in a day I don't mind wasting 0.001% of my time on checking the site :D

It takes 1 sec for me to refresh the site even on my ipad :O
Btw talking abou ipad sometimes you see under a comment posted on ipad from ipf or something lie that:P
That do that on there own??

When it says "posted from IPF" or something like that it means it is sent from the iPad forums app from the app store. Myself, I just use the normal safari browser
skinnytjj said:
It takes 1 sec for me to refresh the site even on my ipad :O
Btw talking abou ipad sometimes you see under a comment posted on ipad from ipf or something lie that:P
That do that on there own??


Yes, if you are using the iPF app for ipad. Look in the settings...
Btw guys when comex's JB is online, is the site gonna be like jailbreakme.com/star ??

Sent from my iPad using iPF and my fingers
skinnytjj said:
Btw guys when comex's JB is online, is the site gonna be like jailbreakme.com/star ??

Sent from my iPad using iPF and my fingers

It's going to look like unicorns flying through the stars, the sun shining into their eyes snd giving them a sparkle that will make us so full of awe we'll forget to "Slide to jailbreak"
they have been saying this jb is on the cusp of release since the ipad 2 came out ... im speculating that the ipad 2 jailbreak may not exist!
Is the JB for today? Asking because comex said on twitter he found some problems...

Sent from my iPad using iPF and my fingers
ipadshoeyuk said:
Can anyone tell me what the time is where comex lives please

Based on his tweets somewhere around GMT. I think he is out shopping now.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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