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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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TheRambler said:
I know this has probably been discussed before and I apologise for going over old ground.......
Comex says to save your version 4.3.3 with tinyumbrella, but my version is 4.3.2, should I now update on iTunes to 4.3.3 and save or stick with my 4.3.2?
Sorry I know this sounds like a dumb question.....but I really don't know the answer.
Thanks for your time.

TinyUmbrella will only save the current iOS, which is 4.3.3. However, you don't need to upgrade to 4.3.3, just stay on 4.3.2 and TU will save not only 4.3.3 but future and even beta versions too.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
People at MacRumor found a way to install SBSettings- the trick is to install any other tweak requiring Activator that is not SBSettings. The tweak will install Activator successfully, enabling you to get SBSettings.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Which tweak did you successfully install? Im a bit nervous I don't want to lose what I already have..

Ps apologise to owners of unbroken ipad2's - i feel so guilty :p

Send from my JAILBROKEN ipad2 WIFI only version fw: 3.40
TheRambler said:
Thanks KaiHD, much apreciated :)

You're welcome. :D

D_LA_ROC said:
Activator has already been updated in cydia to work with the leaked jailbreak. :)


Really? I'm on 3G 4.3.3, so I couldn't confirm.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
rhn said:
anyone having a link to 4.3.3 jb ? :(

Read the last few pages. If you won't bother, I'll tell you. The LEAKED JB only works on Wi-Fi models on 4.3.0- Other than that you're just totally out of luck. Wait like the rest of us.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
baddudevsninja said:
Oh nice ok, what other apps use activator, this is the first iOS device I've owned so never jb before

Not sure. I've never JB before- so I don't know much on JB apps.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
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