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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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KaiHD said:
Mind explaining?

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Yeah sure, tried to install some other tweaks like you said but activator install just froze again like before, I'll try it again in a bit restart iPad maybe, I'll let you know how it goes.
@veeence tweeted:

"Apple is already fixing the PDF vulnerability (and thus patching the jailbreak) while users don't even have the JB yet. Leakers... Useless."

And I agree with him this time :(
does anyone know a way to back up all the pakages? and tell mw when the official JB comes..will i have to update to 4.3.3 to install it? or can we just install it on top of this JB? and will the settings, tweaks and packages remain?
Sooo... do not try to instal mobile terminal. I did so to change the root password and after the instal nothing works and have been on the apple boot logo for about 10 minutes trying to reboot. Time to restore and wait for an official release.
@veeence tweeted:

"Apple is already fixing the PDF vulnerability (and thus patching the jailbreak) while users don't even have the JB yet. Leakers... Useless."

And I agree with him this time :(

It was going to get patched anyway so I dont know why this is such a big issue..the second Comex released the official one Apple would patch it anyway..it just sucks for those who are in the process of buying an iPad 2, their iPad might have 4.3.4 on it by the time they receive it
Guess I missed the window, tried the weebly link and I get an error saying there was a problem downloading the jailbreak files. I'm on 4.3 and wifi only model, anyone know of other links that are still good?
4.3 wifi owners.. Just install sbsettings through cydia- I can confirm that activator & sbsettings work 100%, I have also reboot the pad several times. No issues. I have extensively tested the various settings since this morning and as of now NO know bugs :D - still feel I'm dreaming this though...Waited so long.
Again apologise to the rest of you guys & hope it won't be long until ur in the same happy place I am...:)

Sent from my JAILBROKEN ipad2 wifi only 3.40
Wookiee2cu said:
Guess I missed the window, tried the weebly link and I get an error saying there was a problem downloading the jailbreak files. I'm on 4.3 and wifi only model, anyone know of other links that are still good?

The site I knew got closed. It said "sorry, comex. :("...

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
KaiHD said:
The site I knew got closed. It said "sorry, comex. :("...

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Lol. It's a bit too late for sorry. Comex now has to choose between a rushed release or 10 months of work going to waste.
I am definitely NOT going to support this leak. I'll wait as many days/weeks that it takes if it means honoring and respecting Comex's hard work.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
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