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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Chat Thread

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EmilRonnow said:
When the jailbreak is out, do I have to be fast to jailbreak my ipad? Because its not easy cause of the time different...its wednesday night here in a sec... And it looks like (on some blogs) that the jailbreak comes today( wednesday)...

Sent from my iPad using iPF

As long as you are on 5.0.1 there is no haste. You will still be able to jailbreak your device a week after the release.

fredycruger said:
Edited by Moderator ~ you are on very thin ice.
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Hi all,
I am pretty sure that all the possible questions on jailbreaking can find an answer in the previous 50 pages that sum up in this thread. Is it possible, from now on, to refrain from mostly off-topic replies and wait patiently for the so waited JB ready announcement. This way a new message to this thread shall have a real meaning to all of us that are waiting this blessed piece of code.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
When the jailbreak is out, do I have to be fast to jailbreak my ipad? Because its not easy cause of the time different...its wednesday night here in a sec... And it looks like (on some blogs) that the jailbreak comes today( wednesday)...

Sent from my iPad using iPF

No, there is no time frame to actually do the jail break on your iPad. As long as you are on iOS 5.0.1, which is the firmware for which we expect the jail break - you can run the JB whenever you wish. So, you could JB immediately, a day later, 7 days later or a year later. Whenever; it matters not.

The time frame importance/discussion is to make sure you are safely on iOS 5.0.1 before Apple closes the authorization window [after releasing 5.1]. Once you have iOS 5.0.1 installed, the rush, hurry and panic are done - you can JB at your leisure.

Hope this clarifies.

This wait is killing me I really hope they feel impatient to release it. With every one of these pictures I thought next we would be downloading. With rumors of iPad 3 launching a month or so away I have to give this round to Apple!
Man whats this for, nobody told anything that you have to jailbreak within a week when its going to be released, so do not give stupid answers cause this thread is important to all of its members !

always genuine..

You need to slow down and read before typing. That is NOT what was said. Here is what was said:

"You will still be able to jailbreak your device a week after the release."

Nothing close to what you stated.

I'm telling you guys ~ grow up and discuss and lose the personal commentary or sanctions are going to be imposed!

Going back a few pages this thread has been cleaned up.

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veeence (@veeence)
19-01-12 14:33
The A5 jailbreak will support iOS 5.0 as well. Important for those future 4S unlockers.

But he hasn't been a very reliable source lately...
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